Tominaga Sangyo Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company” or “we/our/us”) sets out its privacy policy as below (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”) regarding the handling of privacy information including any personal information about users of the services and website provided by the Company (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Service”).

Article 1 (Business Operator Information)

Corporate Name: Tominaga Sangyo Co., Ltd.
Address: 10-12 Takakura-cho, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi
Representative: Joji Tsuruta

Article 2 (Method of Acquisition of Personal Information)

When you send us comments using the inquiry form, we will acquire your company name, name, telephone number and email address.

Article 3 (Purpose of Use of Personal Information)

The acquired personal information will be used only for the purpose of responding to your inquiry.

Article 4 (Measures for the Safe Management of Personal Data)

The Company strives to keep any personal information accurate and updated, and provides education and training for all its employees and officers to protect personal information from any unauthorized access, falsification, leak, loss or damage. Further, it has established the Personal Information Protection Regulations and also conducts regular inspections of its on-site management.

Article 5 (Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties)

The Company will not provide any personal information to third parties without consent of the relevant person, except in the following cases:
- Where it is based on laws and regulations;
- Where it is necessary for the protection of the life, body or property of an individual, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the relevant person;
- Where it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the relevant person;
- Where it is necessary to cooperate with any state organ, local government or a person entrusted by the same in their execution of the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the relevant person is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.

Article 6 (Contact for Inquiries and Complaints regarding the Handling of Personal Information)

For any questions, unclear points, complaints or other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Article 7 (SSL (Secure Socket Layer))

Our website supports SSL, and the communication between the web browser and the web server is encrypted. Any personal information entered by users, such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc., will be automatically encrypted.

Article 8 (Disclaimer)

Although the Company makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on its website, the Company assumes no responsibility for any action taken by a user using such information on the website. The Company shall not be held liable for any damages incurred by a user or damages caused to a third party by the user due to such use by the user of the website.

Article 9 (Copyrights / Portrait Rights)

All the content of the Company’s website, including any texts and images therein, are protected by copyrights and portrait rights, etc., and unauthorized use or diversion of the same is prohibited.

Article 10 (Links)

You may freely set a link to the Company’s website; provided that, we may reject links depending on the content, etc., of the linked website.

Article 11 (Date of Establishment and Date of Revision of the Privacy Policy)

Established: April 1, 2020
Revised: April 3, 2023